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Replace building boards


I am compelled to respond to the January CVE Reporter article regarding our CVE boards.

Putting into print the problems and concerns with our boards in CVE is a step forward in changing the process now in place.

Consider including in your committee, experienced retired board members that have actually experienced the amount of energy and frustration spent in a thankless and unpaid Job!

Instead of a board per building, let’s consider a “manager”. Somehow compensated for his time and hard work similar to a “receiver.” Owners would continue paying condo fees as is presently done. Any damage to the building from the drywall to common ground would be reported to the Manager. He would write up a worksheet to submit to the management office who in turn forwards the repair request to a licensed contractor on file with CVE Master Management. Payment for such repairs is paid by the central management office who is now doing the bookkeeping for each building.

A paid receipt is sent to the manager for posting in the mail room for all unit owners to view. In addition, all repairs within every unit are solely the responsibility of the unit owner. Each owner is responsible for using a licensed contractor.

The above suggestions come directly from my experience. I watched my husband, who served six years as a president and board member, who only tried to follow the rules, was met with resistance and frustration time and again.

My intent is to suggest a new process that will help keep and preserve the beautiful oasis that is Century Village East for all to use and enjoy.

Paula Gill

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