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Natalia Rumy

Discover the Power Within: Unlock Healing Energy at CVE's Healing Circle

We live in a special spectacular time.  Lots of people discover their ability to heal.  Some are happy, some are frightened, and all of them feel an inner quest to know what to do with it, and where to find some simple methods.  It is exactly what our Healing Circle can provide – an energy healing technique that is easy to learn, simple to use, yet very effective.  There is little theory, but lots of hands-on training and experiential practicing.  Do step one, step two, get the result. 


So, come to our next meeting of CVE Club Healing Circle in January.  And you would discover a whole new world. 


 Many things that are new and fantastic to us now, were known to ancient teachers.  For example, that we do not consist of muscles and bones only, we are not only our physical body (physical plain), but we are also our emotions and feelings (astral plain), our thoughts (mental plain), our soul-spirits (spiritual realm).  And all this was known by ancient gurus, spiritual masters, and has been proved now by recent achievements of such sciences, as quantum physics, scalar physics.


Life shows that it appeared to be an ability in me to explain complicated things in a very understandable way.  I make difficult stuff to be presented in a clear and fun manner.   


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