Looking for a New Summer Activity? Try Woodworking

If you’ve ever had an interest in woodworking, now is a great time to learn. The CVE Woodworking Shop is open all summer and the club is offering reduced membership fees. You can join the club for the entire off-season period (Apr – Sept) for $30 or join on a monthly basis at $10/month. The club will continue to offer woodworking courses through CVE’s Lifelong Learning Program. Pen making and bowl making classes will continue to be offered. See the photos below for bowls and pens that our students have made! You can sign up for classes at the staff office.
Woodshop hours are displayed on the poster outside the shop’s front door. The woodshop schedule includes Open Shop periods, when members can work on their projects and Class periods dedicated to courses that are given. Our group of experienced and talented instructors are available during Open Shop periods to guide and assist members with their projects.
Membership questions can be directed to Mel Weinzimer (cvewoodworking@gmail.com) or any of the instructors in the woodshop. Join the Woodshop Club and experience the fun and satisfaction of making your own beautiful and useful objects!