- Paul Scheiner
Temple B’nai Shalom Hosts Passover Seder
Temple B’nai Shalom hosted 50 people in April for an outstanding Passover Seder at the Century Diner. This turned into a CVE event as the Seder was supported by CenClub as well as the staff at the Century Diner.
Cantor Gary Sherman once again did a fine job presiding over the religious aspects of the Seder. CenClub helped by providing a sound system and aided in the room setup. Randy and the staff at the Century Diner served excellent hot dinners with all the trimmings, including chicken soup, matzos, wine, chopped liver, gefilte fish and a choice of salmon, brisket, or roast chicken. It was a pleasure working with these groups to make it a fine evening.
Temple B’nai Shalom brings non-orthodox Jews together socially as well as spiritually. Among other recent events was the show “Cemetery Club” at the Willow Theater in Sugar Sand Park and monthly Lunch and Learn sessions. A Caribbean cruise is planned for next January on Princess Cruises.
Feel free to contact Paul Scheiner at (630) 452-1131 to find out more about the synagogue and associated functions and visit the web site: templebnaishalom.org.