Temple B’nai Shalom Welcomes Cantor Mitch Martin as New Spiritual Leader

Temple B’nai Shalom is thrilled to announce Cantor Mitch Martin as the congregation's new Spiritual Leader. With extensive cantorial experience from both the northern U.S. and South Florida, Cantor Mitch is known for creating uplifting and welcoming environments wherever he serves. His positive energy has already sparked a noticeable impact, with weekly attendance steadily increasing and several new members joining the congregation.
Last month, Cantor Mitch led the Temple’s Chanukah Service, which saw an exceptional turnout, surpassing attendance numbers for recent Shabbat services. The service began with congregants lighting their own menorahs, creating a magical display of light that radiated hope and joy. The participatory service, which included musical accompaniment, a sing-along, and the serving of traditional latkes at the Oneg Shabbat, was a highlight of the season and deeply enjoyed by all.
The congregation invites everyone to experience the joy and inspiration of Friday night servicesat the Activity Center at Le Club, led by Cantor Mitch with keyboard accompaniment. For more information about Temple B’nai Shalom, visit templebnaishalom.org or contact Paul Scheinerat (630) 452-1131. Come be part of this growing and vibrant community!