Join Shimmy Mob: Dance to Make a Difference

Hi, my name is Katherine Shorr, and I’ve been thrilled to teach belly dance at CVE since 2023. This year, I’m excited to bring a new opportunity to our community by introducing Shimmy Mob, a global “flash mob” event that raises awareness for emotional abuse and domestic violence.
On one special day in May, dancers from all over the world perform the same dance to unite in a powerful message of support and advocacy. Together, we’ll learn a simplified routine to hits like ABBA’s Dancing Queen and take part in an unforgettable experience that truly makes a difference.
Shimmy Mob saves lives by creating awareness and supporting local charities. In our community, we’re proud to partner with Women in Distress of Broward County, a non-profit organization offering free, life-changing services to those experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
We believe in the power of dance to unite people, spark awareness, and create real change. Let’s make an impact together while having fun along the way!
For more information, visit or contact me, Katherine Shorr, at 718-869-4177. Let’s shimmy our way to making a difference!