Where the journey of the souls has led us up in February

Last year I have already talked about Robert Monroe research of the human consciousness. I tried to pack this unbelievable info into one hour talk, but it is worthwhile telling you more incredible stories to blow your mind away. And to awaken you to a more specious understanding of your soul.
While doing his incredible research for 45 years he wrote 3 breaking-through books about the amazing quality of the human mind to travel to other dimensions. And we human beings deserve to know eye-opening properties of our life here and then there. He described other worlds that could be visited by our consciousness, or you can call it by souls. At the time of his research, he was the only one who experienced it. Now quantum physics has confirmed his discoveries. It should be learned in colleges and universities. Come to listen to the stories that would open for you the richness of your possibilities. The next meeting will be on Monday, February 17, at 10:00 am in GPG.